Open Upper

Upper Width

This is the overall, outside width of the cabinet box.

(150 - 1219)

Upper Height

This is the overall height of the cabinet box.

(200 - 1550)

Upper Depth

This is the depth of the cabinet carcass, not including any doors.

(150 - 700)

Adjustable Shelves

These are moveable shelves that sit on metal shelf pins. The metal shelf pins also insert into the shelf itself to prevent it from any sliding around.

(0 - 5)

Finished Interior

Select to have a the exterior colour for this this cabinet. Exterior colour matches the door colour you selected in Project Setup.

Otherwise, it will have the Carcass material for everything.

Remove Bottom

Removing the bottom of a cabinet will ensure that the bottom of the gables and the back will have edge banding on them.

This feature is often used to place cabinets on top of counter tops, so there is no step-up into the cabinet.

If your cabinet has a door, make sure you leave an adequate Bottom Reveal, so that it won’t rub on your counter top. Recommend 6mm minimum bottom reveal for an application like this.

(2 - 350)

Personalized Labels

Putting a name or number in this spot will help you organize your cabinets and products in a way that makes sense for you and your project.

This text will come through on the product sticker that gets put on the back of every cabinet that is produced in our shop, and will save you time from trying to figure out which cabinets are which.

Here are some examples of the product label, with the personalized label in use. Try to limit your personalized label to a few words, or the last bit of text may get cut off of the label if it is too long.



Unit conversion

Input length in inches for its value in millimeters.
To convert from inches (in) to millimeters (mm), simply use the following formula:
millimeters = inches × 25.4

This is because one inch is equivalent to 25.4 millimeters. Therefore, by multiplying the number of inches by 25.4, you can determine its corresponding length in millimeters.